Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Unit 2

Jared Diamond had a lot to say about how geography effects people and the way they live. It turns out that geography did really play a huge role in they way people live because the area around people is what provided people with the things they need to live. Not only did the land provide the basic necessities but it also had resources to help some countries invent new things and move ahead of other countries. Some resources helped countries get way ahead because when some people found an invention to help out do something like farm it would create less of a need for some people so those people could go and invent more stuff and so on letting some countries have lots of stuff where as those countries who had everyone working on just getting the basic necessities could never move forward. So where someone lived and the amount of sources around them impacted their way of life forever.
South Africa was not a place of a lot of good resources to improve the way they lived. So when Europe came over, according to www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0107983.html they landed in Cape Hope, they had diseases that people in South Africa were not immune to. So many Africans died from disease and it also put a lot of people out of work for a long time which kept South Africa where it was at with out having room for improvement. Over time South Africa's poverty got bigger and bigger and has gotten to the point where as of today according to www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2898.htm South Africa was one of the most poorest countries where most people lived on less then a dollar a day.But now according to www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/sf.html they now have a middle income. So Europe's first encounter with South Africa has effected them today because Europe passed on disease making it almost impossible for South Africa to eradicate their poverty level.
"Geographic luck" plays a big role in why some countries have more then other countries. Geographic luck plays a big role because were you are is where you receive what you live on and if you are Lucky enough to end up in a good location with lots of recourse's then you will be able to live a lot better life style. Not only can where you end up on earth effect the why you live but it can also effect your beliefs and the why you think and comprehend things, like what one person considers luck another person on the other side of things might believe its all from hard work and perseverance. "Geographic luck" can change one's whole opinions around, but I believe that some people are more Lucky and do have more of a chance and have more stuff to work from then others.

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