Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Results of Sorting Poeple

I learned that it is actually very hard to determine what race some one belongs to. I thought I was was doing really well and got most of them right but when I checked them I actually only got five right and that surprised me allot. So for the most part it is pretty much impossible to sort people by race by just looking at them. Also the way someone looks or their race does not necessarily determine the way they will act or the things that they will be good at. I also learned that along time ago people were sorted into different races just by being looked at, and from the exercise I could see that this is not very efficient. Poeple determine thier own race based on where they come from. This is for the most part efficent.


  1. Interesting. So, if race isn't something that can be determined based on looks, what's it based on? Is there an "efficient" way to sort people? Do we need one?

  2. Remember follow up questions were homework - no response here is a zero. Let me know if you decide to post a late response.
