Sunday, February 21, 2010

Leadership in Technology

My topic on the Japan project is leadership in technology. I plan to reaserch ways that Japan is leading in technology (i.e. cars). My audience is enginers and other technology developers who are trying to come up with new technology for us.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

More Than 100 Years Later, the World I live in Displays the Impact of the New Imperialism

Over all these years the world that I live in still displays the impact of the New Imperialism. Especially in the US because when this land was discovered, many other people began to come over to explore the land and it lead to the very many ethnic diversities that their is here today. Another way that it is displayed is in the things that we use to day that were invented in the New Imperialism stage, like the machine gun. We can also tell by looking at all the different ways of life and cultures that we see today. We can also see it by the different religions that their are today.

Positive Effects of the New Imperialism

As their are negative effects their are also many positive effects of the new imperialism too. One positive effect is that when a country conquered another country it often led to a big profit for the conquering country. Like in east Africa many people were sold as slaves to the Middle East, Also Ivory and copper were exchanged for cloth and firearms from India. Another positive effect was the improvement of technology, when people traveled from one place to another they learned more things to help their country out, also when a country got into a battle it forst them to come up with new ideas to win the the battle, for instance the maxim gun. The new technology lead to other improvements like in farming and healthier food.

Negative Effects of the New Imperialism

Their where many negative effects of the new imperialism. One effect was slavery, has country would conquer an area they would often take the survivors and make them slaves for them selves or they would sell them to make a profit. When a country would conquer another country their would be many people that died in the taking over. Many people would die because most the time a war would break out between the attacking and defending countries. Another negative effect would be that many cultures and religions were decimated, or destroyed, in the battles.

What was "the New Imperialism"

As the book says imperialism is the domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region. It is called the "new Imperialism" because by the 19Th and 20Th century Europe had strong centrally governed nation-states that had emerged, and from their new economic and military strength they were ready to embark on a path of aggressive expansion. The reason for expanding was basically because of the economy interests and the political and military interests.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Results of Sorting Poeple

I learned that it is actually very hard to determine what race some one belongs to. I thought I was was doing really well and got most of them right but when I checked them I actually only got five right and that surprised me allot. So for the most part it is pretty much impossible to sort people by race by just looking at them. Also the way someone looks or their race does not necessarily determine the way they will act or the things that they will be good at. I also learned that along time ago people were sorted into different races just by being looked at, and from the exercise I could see that this is not very efficient. Poeple determine thier own race based on where they come from. This is for the most part efficent.